Monday, November 19, 2007

At Long Last

As we count down the days in Canada I am thinking more and more of the many blogs I will enjoy reading over the next six months. I really cannot expect others to update their blogs with newsy everyday news about family and friends if I am silent on mine!! So here we go!!
We are planning to fly from Regina to Hong Kong on January 9, 2008. Accompanying Ray and I will be Autumn and Andrew and Pamela Stonehouse and Raysha Perry. We are getting excited about visiting Harmony in her 32nd floor apartment in Hong Kong and seeing her school and church and meeting some of her friends there.
We leave there on Monday and fly into Kolkata , spending the night there and then fly to, what will be a new adventure for us, Guwhati, Assam. We will stay at the Baptisit Guest House while we find a home. Ray will begin immediately to teach in a Bible Camp of about 25 young people for a week. It will be held at the Guest House. The rest of us will explore and figure out the bus system of our new city.
We have many feelings and we have many thoughts as to how this is all going to work out. This trip, not necessarily more than others, is giving me lots of time to think about the faithfulness of God in our lives and to put our faith and trust in Him to guide our plans.
One of my goals is to make my posts shorter so more will take time to read them!!
So that is it for this time!

Monday, November 12, 2007

Testing the blog

Mom's blog again...